
Disaster Response in Sarasota, a guest post by Mindi Rohan

April 23, 2013

volunteerNo community is immune to the havoc and devastation caused by disaster, whether natural or man-made. We can’t think about what happened in Boston and not think of what can happen in our own community.

More often we are seeing that spontaneous or unaffiliated volunteers are increasing in numbers during disaster response.  These are volunteers who are not trained. They don’t have licenses. They simply come to help.

Did you know that Volunteer Community Connections (VCC) manages spontaneous volunteers in disaster for Sarasota County? That we coordinate directly with local, state and national organizations to meet regional needs? Or that we help faith-based groups create disaster support teams?

VCC is Sarasota’s place to pre-register or sign up for disaster response. We train throughout the year to mobilize volunteers.

Over the years, the Volunteer Center serving Sarasota County has deployed volunteers to New Orleans, Mississippi and Texas.

We have become part of a network that maintains relationships with community members, disaster management agencies and service providers.

For more information on how to help Boston through volunteer efforts click here. Then let people know about VCC.  Our disaster registration form can be accessed by visiting our website, www.connectingvolunteers.org.  It is everyone’s responsibility to be prepared.

Mindi Rohan
Executive Director
Volunteer Community Connections

Remember, if you are considering a philanthropic response to the tragedy in Boston, The One Fund has been set up by Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick and Boston Mayor Tom Menino.

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