
Boston Is In Our Thoughts

April 16, 2013

It can be humbling to be reminded of how fragile life is.

Despite the differences in philosophy and politics we may have with people, we care deeply about each other. This care is hardly unique to those who are deeply engrained in philanthropy, but we are close to it every day.

We have a tendency to mobilize, offer resources, feel great compassion for people who are suffering. We feel honored to have the opportunity to help others through the missions of the organizations we support.

It is hard to look at this tragic situation from afar and know there isn’t much we can do from here.

If there is any way to pay tribute to those who were touched by the horrific event yesterday, maybe it is simply continuing to do what we do well already—engaging in good whenever possible (whether organized through an organization or on your own), keeping life in perspective, and remembering the abundance in our own community.

Here are some possibilities to consider:

  • Donate blood. Suncoast Communities Blood Bank was one of the first organizations to develop a profile in The Giving Partner. Blood saves lives everyday, whether it is in Boston or in our own community.
  • Keep life in perspective. When we care so much, it is easy to get heated about the small things and allow them to cause divisions between ourselves and others. Remember the bigger picture.
  • Be grateful for the support systems we have in Southwest Florida. It takes many people and groups to make our community strong. One glance in The Giving Partner, and you will find organizations that handle really tough situations every day. There is always work to be done.  Check out the profiles for Mental Health Community CenterSarasota K-9 Search and Rescue, American Red Cross.  You may be surprised to learn the extent of what they do. Some organizations, like ShelterBox, provide services all over the world but have a U.S. office based right here in our community.

Let’s keep those positive thoughts flowing to our friends in Boston.

There are 16 communities around the country using the GuideStar tool we call The Giving Partner. The Boston Foundation is one of them, and we send caring thoughts to our friends there, who will be working hard on the philanthropic response to the explosions at the Boston Marathon.

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